The Client

American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS)

Case Study

The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) brought in the Machine to support an overworked staff. As a regular onsite consultant, Karen gained an insider’s understanding of the organization’s needs, contributed to weekly all-staff meetings, and became a go-to problem solver and trusted advisor for multiple departments and projects.


Specific projects include
  • Campaign 50: a campaign to raise $3 million in 5 years
  • Physician Resource Center (PRC): digital product development
  • Annual Meeting marketing support
  • Marketing communications and digital marketing
  • Clean up, reorganization, and maintenance of a clunky SharePoint website (no longer in use)
  • Consulted on third-party app development and website redevelopment
  • Facilitated the roll-out of a new AMS, helping with database setup and configuration along with technical support during the transition